Safety at Work Policy Statement of
M.A. Ponsonby Ltd and its Board of Directors are committed to Safety in the Workplace and will provide all of the resources necessary to ensure compliance with the Common Law obligation known as Safe Systems of Work, so far as is practicable for all employees, contractors and other road users, either on the company’s premises or elsewhere.
The Senior Management Team of M.A. Ponsonby Ltd recognise that they have the overall responsibility in Law to provide clear policy and direction on all matters relating to a safe working environment for all Employees, Visitors and Contractors.
In pursuit of this Statutory objective, Senior Management will provide so far as is practicable, all that is required to enable the Employer and all Employees to comply with their Safety responsibilities detailed in The Health and Safety at Work Act etc 1974 and all subsequent Crane Safety and Fire Safety Legislation flowing from it.
M.A. Ponsonby Ltd company policy is to promote Safe Systems of Work and this is a mutual objective for both the Directors and all employees, for the overall responsibilities of management cannot be properly discharged without the proactive and interactive co-operation of each and every single employee. Therefore, the detailed responsibilities of Managers and Employees are set out in the revised Handbook dated 7th May 2012, a copy of which has been presented to each employee and as such is permanently available for inspection and compliance.
As M.D. of M.A. Ponsonby Ltd please allow me to re-state my view that if the Job cannot be undertaken in complete Safety, then you have my full authority to decline to do it. That is do not, do not, put yourself at risk of Fatal or Personal Injury?
Michael A. Ponsonby 1st January 2021
Managing Director